Serving Justice

Types of Damages Available After a Motorcycle Accident in Texas

April 15, 2021Motorcycle Accidents

Types of Damages Available After a Motorcycle Accident in Texas

Motorcycle riders are often severely injured in accidents and suffer extensive financial losses. If another driver was responsible for your crash, you are entitled to the following types of compensation to cover these costs.  

Economic Damages

Economic damages, also known as special damages, are intended to reimburse a motorcycle accident victim for their tangible losses. Those include: 

Medical Bills and Expenses 

These damages cover all past and future costs of medical treatment. For motorcycle accident victims, that may include a hospital stay, doctor visits, prescription medications, transportation to your doctor’s appointments, and other related medical expenses. 

Lost Wages 

You may be entitled to damages for lost wages if you need to take time off from work while you recover. Future lost wages or what’s known as diminished earning capacity can also be included if you cannot return to work or must go into a different line of work. This typically occurs when a motorcycle accident causes permanent injuries or a disability. Lost earning capacity is a projection of future losses or the reduction in pay from your old and new jobs. 

Property Damage

The primary type of property damage is to your motorcycle. Even a minor collision can cause hundreds or thousands of dollars of damage. A catastrophic accident could lead to a total loss, where your bike is so damaged it is not worth repairing. Either way, the driver or party that caused your accident will owe you financial compensation to make you whole again. This will include payment to repair or replace your motorcycle.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic or general damages represent the monetary value assigned to the harmful impact a motorcycle accident has upon a person’s life. The value of these damages can be challenging to calculate since they are subjective losses. For example: 

Pain and Suffering 

This is compensation for the physical pain or discomfort and emotional distress you endure due to your motorcycle crash. Keeping a journal of your symptoms and how they interfere with your life can be helpful when it comes to determining your case’s value. Insurance companies often use the multiplier method to find an appropriate monetary amount for pain and suffering damages. This method involves multiplying your economic damages by a number between 1.5 and 5. The number chosen will depend upon the severity of your injuries. 

Emotional Distress 

Emotional distress or mental anguish are terms used to describe the negative emotions resulting from enduring the physical pain of a motorcycle accident. For example, sadness, anger, anxiety, depression, insomnia, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

Physical Impairment or Disfigurement 

Disfigurement damages are recoverable if you suffered a disability or other physical impairments as a result of the crash. 

Decrease in Life Enjoyment

Compensation if the accident led to a reduced quality of life or a decrease in your overall life satisfaction. 

Punitive Damages 

In some instances, where the at-fault party acted extremely carelessly or was grossly negligent, it may be possible to obtain punitive damages. Unlike the other types of compensation, these damages are designed to punish the liable party and deter others from similar behavior. 

Damages Available in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Because motorcycle riders lack the same amount of protection that a vehicle gives its occupants, accidents commonly result in fatalities. Surviving family members of a loved one lost in a crash may be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit for damages. If that is the case, compensation can be recovered for:

  • Medical Bills – any bills or expenses incurred by the decedent to treat their injuries related to the accident. 
  • Lost Financial Support – the lifetime of lost earnings that the family or dependents would have been provided had the deceased survived. 
  • Loss of Consortium or Loss of Companionship – meant to compensate the victim’s spouse or immediate family members for their tremendous loss and deprivation of the deceased’s love and companionship. 
  • Funeral Costs and Expenses – family members should not bear the burden of these expenses when another party’s negligence is responsible for losing their loved one.

Contact Us for Help

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact Ramsey Law Group online or by phone at (888) 335-7477. Our Houston motorcycle accident lawyer can assess your case and give you an estimate on the amount of damages you are entitled to. Schedule a free consultation today.