Fisher-Price Re-announces Recall

Fisher-Price Re-announces Recall of Rock ‘n Play Sleepers

January 1, 2023Products Liability

New parents are naturally filled with worry for their newborns and infants, but they should not have to worry and put their babies at risk with everyday products. Unfortunately, not all consumer products, prove safe.

Just a few days ago, on January 10, 2023, in conjunction with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Fisher-Price sent out a second reminder to its customers, warning them not to use the company’s previously very popular Rock ‘n Play sleepers for babies. The company originally recalled the sleepers in 2019, but despite the recall, the products have continued to be linked to infant deaths.

About 4.7 million Rock ‘n Play sleepers were sold across the United States in stores like Walmart, Target and through online retailers like Amazon before they were removed from the market in 2019. Approximately 100 infant deaths have been linked to the Rock ‘n Play sleepers. “On April 12, 2019, at the time the original recall was announced, over 30 fatalities were reported to have occurred in the Rock ‘n Play Sleepers after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained, or under other circumstances,” the CPSC said in a statement. “Since the recall, approximately 70 additional fatalities have been reported, which includes at least 8 fatalities that were reported to have occurred after the initial recall announcement.”

“We are issuing this announcement because, despite their removal from the marketplace and a prohibition on their sale, babies continue to die in these products,” CPSC chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric said in a statement.

In most instances, an infant suffocated after rolling over to their side or stomach from their back.

What Can I Do About The Recall?

If you or a loved one owns a Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleeper, stop using the sleeper immediately and ensure it is properly discarded. Also, you can learn more about the recall and how to obtain a refund from the manufacturer by visiting CPSC’s website at:

Can I Sue?

If your infant has suffered and injury or, heaven forbid, died as a result of being in the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleeper, please do not hesitate to contact us today. You likely have a viable product-defects claim and are entitled to compensation for your loss. Of course, we know that no money in the world can replace the love of an infant

or remedy any harm suffered as a result. Gut-holding negligent manufacturers liable for their conduct can help prevent future accidents and certainly encourages manufacturers to take extra precautions with their future products to ensure they are safe for consumers.

As personal injury lawyers with extensive experience fighting against consumer product manufacturers and distributors, we will do everything we can to hold negligent parties responsible. At Ramsey Law Group, we have experience with winning similar cases, we will guide you through the complicated claims and litigation process and we will fight to hold all negligent parties accountable, so you can get the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation by calling us at (888) 335-7477 or submitting a request form directly online.