Serving Justice

Texas Wrongful Death Lawyer

When a loved one dies unexpectedly as the result of an accident, this sad event will bring a lot of questions as to what actually happened to the forefront. If it can be determined the death was caused by the negligence of a person or organization rather than just an unfortunate chance or an intentional killing, you can bring a wrongful death suit against the responsible party or parties. Determining if a suit can be brought is difficult, as it can be challenging to find enough evidence to show negligence was the cause. Consulting with a Houston personal injury lawyer at Ramsey Law Group is a good first step in determining if a case can be brought and how to best proceed.

While money can’t replace your lost loved one, it can help hold the responsible party or parties accountable and help prevent future similar incidents. Determining what sort of damages to seek can be complex, but a wrongful death lawsuit can help your family recover tangible assets like lost income and benefits, or help pay for medical bills or funeral expenses. Additionally, although no amount of money will erase the pain of losing a loved one, it can compensate for your emotional loss and serve as retribution for any heinous acts or abuses that led the loss. Generally, only immediate family members can bring wrongful death suits, such as spouses or children of the deceased, but in some cases, extended family or the executor of an estate can also bring a legal action to recover damages. Usually, one person can serve as the representative for all parties seeking a resolution.

Although the time following a death is trying, speaking to a lawyer as soon as possible is a smart course of action to avoid legal complications including the passage of the statute of limitations. All in all, at Ramsey Law Group our Houston Wrongful death lawyers understand what a stressful time it is for our clients when a loved one has passed; and, we do our best to provide solid support to make the process as painless as possible. The last thing we want is to provide additional burden during an already trying time.