Serving Justice

Spring Car Accident Lawyer

If you were recently injured in a car accident in Spring, the Ramsey Law Group can help you work through this challenging time and ensure that you are properly compensated. Schedule a free consultation with us today by calling (844) 223-2271 or submitting a contact form through our website.

Car Accident Resources

Why Choose Our Spring Car Accident Lawyer?

  • Our Spring personal injury lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of a car accident claim to ease your stress at this difficult time.
  • Our team has recovered millions for injury clients and will help get the best possible results for your case.
  • We handle car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we will get paid when you do.

Why You Need a Spring Car Accident Lawyer

A severe car accident can mean months of recovery and bills piling up while you are unable to work. On top of that, the at-fault party’s insurance company will not easily hand over the compensation you deserve. Battling for the money you need on top of extensive injuries can be incredibly stressful, but not if you have an attorney on your side. A Spring car accident lawyer will handle every aspect of your claim for you, which means you only need to focus on your recovery. You can have the peace of mind knowing your rights will be fully protected, and the evidence required to prove the at-fault party’s liability will be collected to ensure you recover fair and full compensation.

What Compensation Can I Receive After a Car Accident?

If another party was responsible for your car accident, you have the right to pursue the following types of compensation:

  • Medical costs and expenses for current and future treatment
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings and diminished earning capacity
  • Any out-of-pocket expenses for accident-related costs, such as a rental vehicle, medical supplies, etc.
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Permanent disability
  • Punitive damages, if the at-fault party is determined to have acted extremely reckless or maliciously

Keep in mind that If you contributed to your accident, your compensation can be reduced under Texas’s modified comparative negligence law—for example, if you are awarded $100,000 and found 20% at fault, you will recover 80% of your award or $80,000. If you are found 51% or more to blame, you cannot recover compensation.

How Much is My Car Accident Injury Worth?

It’s only natural to want to know how much compensation you are entitled to after a car accident. Because each case has a unique set of circumstances, there, unfortunately, is no precise answer. The amount you can recover often hinges on the following factors:

  • The severity of your injuries.
  • How your pain and suffering has and is affecting all aspects of your life.
  • How much income you have lost.
  • How much money you will lose in the future due to your injury.
  • Your age and length of your recovery.
  • Whether you will need ongoing medical care or have a permanent disability.
  • The strength of evidence against the at-fault party.
  • Any aggravating factors (e.g., the at-fault driver was intoxicated)
  • Whether you were partially or predominantly to blame.

A car accident lawyer can give you an estimate based on their prior case experience. However, you will only have an accurate estimate of your case’s value once you have healed or you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI).

Contact Our Spring Car Accident Lawyer

Contact Ramsey Law Group Today (713) 489-7577

Ramsey Law Group can help you protect your rights. Call (844) 223-2271 to discuss your case in a free consultation today.