Texas City Car Accident Lawyers

Texas City Car Accident Lawyer

After a car accident in Texas City, you may need money to cover medical bills, lost income, long-term care, and the cost of living with pain and suffering. Ramsey Law Group will fight to get you the money you need and deserve. Contact us online or call (888) 335-7477 to schedule a free consultation with our Texas City Car Accident Lawyer at Ramsey Law Group today.

Car Accident Resources

Why Choose Our Texas City Car Accident Lawyer? 

  • Our Texas City personal injury lawyers have more than 25 years of experience recovering millions in compensation for injured clients. 
  • We know how to handle any type of car accident case and will strive to recover the maximum amount of compensation possible. 
  • We handle car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you only owe legal fees if you win. 

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Texas City

Most car accidents are preventable and caused by driver errors or negligence. The leading reasons why collisions occur in Texas City include:

Distracted Driving

Drivers can get distracted by various activities, such as texting or talking on the phone, daydreaming, eating and drinking, children in the backseat, or reaching for an item within the vehicle. 


Driving faster than the posted speed limit increases not only the risk of an accident but also its severity. 

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the leading causes of car accident fatalities. 

Auto Defects

A defective or poorly installed vehicle or part can contribute to a collision, which means the manufacturer may be liable for resulting injuries and damage.


Heavy rain or fog can cause low visibility, making it harder to judge speed or the distance of other vehicles, and if the roads are slippery, it can be challenging to stop in time to avoid a collision.

How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

Since each auto accident claim is different, there is no exact formula to determine one’s worth. However, a car accident lawyer will be able to give you an estimate based on their prior experience and after having evaluated your case. The following factors will typically be taken into consideration: 

  • The severity of your injury and your age.  
  • The total amount of your medical bills and projected costs of future treatment. 
  • How your future will be impacted by the injury. 
  • The number of other expenses incurred due to your injury, such as lost wages, diminished earning capacity, any necessary home modifications, medical equipment, etc. 
  • Your physical pain and suffering, as well as emotional distress you have and are experiencing.
  • Your percentage of fault.  
  • The policyholder’s coverage limits. 

Your percentage of fault will have a significant impact on your case’s value. Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which reduces compensation based on fault. For example,  if you are awarded $100,000 and found 45% at fault, you can only recover 55% or $55,000. If you are found 51% or more at fault, you won’t receive anything

Contact Ramsey Law Group for Help

Contact Ramsey Law Group Today (713) 489-7577

We proudly serve clients in Texas City and will do everything in our power to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us online or call (888) 335-7477 to schedule a free consultation today.