Serving Justice

Auto Pedestrian Accidents Are on the Rise

July 26, 2023Pedestrian Accidents

According to a recent article by The New York Times, auto-pedestrian accidents are the highest they have been in over 40 years. Here are some tips on how to avoid an auto-pedestrian accident and what to do if you are involved in one.

What Causes Auto-Pedestrian Accidents?

There can be many factors that can cause an accident between a car and a pedestrian. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, four of the most common causes of auto-pedestrian accidents are:

Distracted driving

Not paying attention to the road and your surroundings can create a dangerous situation. Whether it is using your cell phone, eating food or looking at your car’s GPS, there are many possible distractions behind the wheel. Eliminating potential distractions before you start driving greatly reduces the risk of an auto-pedestrian accident.


Driving above the speed limit raises the risk of accidentally hitting a pedestrian or causing another type of crash. Slowing down and being mindful of road signs are the best ways to avoid an accident.

 Pedestrians failing to yield to the right-of-way to cars

Before crossing a street, make sure to walk on designated intersections or crosswalks and look both ways before crossing at the appropriate time. Actions such as jaywalking are very unsafe. Also try to make eye contact with drivers to notify that you are walking across.

Drivers failing to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians

Drivers who fail to keep an eye out for pedestrians run the risk of accidentally hitting one. To avoid this, stop and yield for pedestrians at a crosswalk. When making a turn, let the pedestrian have the right of way. Remember, you are more protected than they are.

Why Has There Been an Increase in Auto-Pedestrian Accidents?

There are several factors into why there has been a significant increase in auto pedestrian accidents in recent years:

Pandemic-era Reckless Driving

When the world shut down in 2020, the streets emptied out. With less cars on the street, those who did drive began to speed and text behind the wheel more often. These behaviors remained as people began driving more often, resulting in more crashes.

Increase of Larger Cars on the Road

SUVs have steadily increased in popularity over the last couple of decades to the demise of passenger cars. The larger SUVs can pose a bigger threat to pedestrians due to their size. A direct impact from a SUV is more likely to be fatal than one from a passenger car.

Rise of the Suburbs

With more people moving into the suburbs from the city, the made-for-cars infrastructure in place has led to an increase in auto pedestrian fatalities. This is due to the lack of sidewalks in certain areas, leading people to resort to jaywalking across busy stretches of traffic.

What to Do if You Have Been Involved in an Auto-Pedestrian Accident

If you have been hurt in an auto-pedestrian accident, call for help immediately. Even if you only sustained minor injuries, seek medical assistance. When the authorities arrive, it is important that you remember the specific details of the accident. Try to get the driver’s name, vehicle registration, license plate, and insurance as well. If you are unable to do this, an officer will obtain the information for you.

Notify your insurance company of the incident, but do not sign any insurance documents or give any statements. This may hinder your chance of receiving a valuable claim. Instead, contact Ramsey Law Group’s auto-pedestrian accident attorneys for proper advice on how to proceed.

At Ramsey Law Group, we know how to win auto pedestrian accident cases. In fact, in 2017, we obtained the No. 1 auto pedestrian verdict in Texas, a $43.6 million dollar verdict. If you or a loved one has been severely injured or killed in an auto pedestrian accident, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Together, we can help you through the legal process and get you the help you deserve.