Serving Justice

How to Prevent Drowning Deaths

July 19, 2023Personal Injury

Drowning is the number one leading cause of unintended death for children ages 1-4. With summer in full swing across the country, here are some tips for you and your kids to stay safe in the water when beating the heat.

Some Skills to Know

Learning how to swim could save you or another person’s life in a water-related accident. People who know how to float, tread and navigate water are less likely to drown than those who do not. There are plenty of programs and classes that offer swimming lessons no matter your level for low costs. Even just one lesson could give you the skills to save your life. If you or a loved one has been injured, please contact our personal injury attorneys.

Another skill you should know to save a life is cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, for short. This action could help resuscitate the victim and save their life. CPR training is affordable, fast and can be used in multiple situations other than drowning.

Protective Barriers

According to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance, 70% of child drowning occurs during non-swim times. If you own your own pool and have young children, consider buying a fence to surround the pool. An enclosed fence and secured gate around your pool will help prevent your child from accidentally falling into the water.

Pool safety nets and covers are other safety measures to prevent drowning. They offer protection to young children who could wander around the pool.

Alarms can also alert you if a child is close to or has fallen into the water.

Constant Supervision

Whether you are at your own pool, local pool or any other form of water, it is important to keep a close eye on your child when they are swimming even if a lifeguard is present. A lifeguard may be monitoring a large number of people. In this case, try to be close to your child in the event a problem does arise.

Life Jackets

Though not required, U.S. Coast Guard tested and approved life jackets should be worn in or around open bodies of water or when on a boat. Young children and poor swimmers should also wear life jackets when around water when there is little or no supervision or barriers.

What to Do in an Emergency

In the event of a drowning, it is important above all to stay calm and to have a plan of action.

–   Have a phone nearby ready to call 911. Every second is crucial for a drowning victim, and calling the authorities can help save a life.

–   As mentioned before, CPR on a drowning victim could give them the airflow they desperately need. Take the time to learn and practice CPR, you never know when you might need to use it.

–   If you own a pool, you may want to consider safety and rescue equipment such as a life-saving ring close by. Consider posting water safety instructions around the pool as well.

A drowning incident can happen to anyone at any time, and they happen very quickly in just a few seconds. The water safety attorneys at Ramsey Law Group have represented families of drowning victims in the past and have the experience necessary to pursue and handle such cases.  We are here to help if you need representation.  Call us today for a free consultation.