Serving Justice

Important Evidence To Collect in Car Accident Cases

May 16, 2022Car Accidents

After a car accident, critical pieces of evidence must be preserved to protect your ability to recover compensation. Here are the types of evidence that are important to collect to ensure a solid case.


Photo and Video Evidence

If you can remain at the scene, stay and take photos or videos to document the following:

  • The final resting positions of the vehicles after impact
  • The damage to all vehicles involved
  • Any property damage to the surrounding area
  • Road and weather conditions
  • Any skid marks on the road and/or any debris
  • Road signs and/or traffic lights
  • Your injuries

Try to take photos and videos at varying distances and from multiple angles. This type of evidence can help corroborate your version of the events that led up to the accident and who caused it. For example, the damage to the vehicles can possibly show the direction they were traveling before impact, the approximate speed of the oncoming car, and other clues regarding fault.

In addition, documentation that shows damaged vehicle parts, such as shredded tires, may indicate a part defect that contributed to the accident. However, if you were severely injured, emergency responders will immediately transport you to the hospital. In those cases, you may have to ask someone or hire an attorney to collect evidence at the scene for you.

Police Report

Call the police to report the accident, even if it seems minor. They will arrive on the scene and take an accident report, which can be vital to an insurance company’s decision on fault. The police report will contain details of the officer’s investigation, such as:

  • The date, time, and location of the accident;
  • Extent of damage to the vehicles;
  • Any injuries;
  • Driver statements;
  • Eyewitness statements;
  • How they believe the accident occurred and who was to blame;
  • Whether a driver received a moving violation,
  • And more.

If a driver received a citation or was arrested, it can be significant evidence of fault.

Witness Statements

Eyewitness statements are crucial. If you notice anyone who might have seen the accident, ask for their contact information and if they can make a brief recorded statement on your phone. Because they have no financial stake in your car accident claim, the insurance company will typically consider their opinion when deciding fault.

Medical Records

Medical records created quickly after the accident that link your injuries to the collision are vital. The at-fault party’s insurance company may deny reimbursement for your medical bills and expenses if you wait too long to seek treatment after the accident. It also allows them the opportunity to argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim, so it is in your best interests to seek treatment even if you believe your injuries are minor. The insurance company will also check that you continued the treatment plan and follow-up care recommended by your doctor.

Speak to an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

A Houston car accident lawyer can help ensure you collect the evidence you need to support your claim and hold the at-fault party accountable.