Serving Justice

Baytown Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered severe harm in a car accident, speak to a Baytown Car Accident Lawyer at Ramsey Law Group. Our Baytown personal injury lawyers can help you seek justice and full compensation. Call (888) 335-7477 or request a free consultation online today.

Why Choose Our Baytown Car Accident Lawyer?

  • We have been assisting injury victims for more than 25 years.
  • We have recovered millions on behalf of clients.
  • Our client’s needs are our priority and will ensure that insurance companies treat you fairly.

Why Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

To avoid a situation where your compensation is unfairly reduced after a serious car accident, you need an experienced lawyer on your side. Even when fault seems clear, insurance companies are for-profit businesses that will attempt to put the blame for the crash on you and minimize payment on your claim. Hiring an attorney will ensure you have a solid case and that the insurer treats you fairly. They will take care of gathering and preserving evidence and have the resources to hire experts who can testify on your behalf if necessary.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents are often preventable and caused by the unavoidable negligence of others. Some of the most common causes of collisions in Baytown are:

  • Texting behind the wheel
  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to obey traffic signals
  • Excessive speeding
  • Improper lane changes
  • Driver fatigue
  • Driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Failing to adjust to the weather and/or road conditions
  • Defective design/manufacture of vehicles and/or vehicle components
  • Faulty or neglected vehicle maintenance

When another driver is responsible for an accident, they can be held accountable. Under Texas law, as long as you are less than 51% fault, you can recover compensation.

How Much is My Car Accident Injury Worth?

After a car accident, it is normal to wonder how much your claim is worth. Since every case has a unique set of circumstances, there is no precise answer. When an attorney is evaluating your claim and determining its value, they will consider the following factors:​

  • The severity of your injuries.
  • The length of your recovery.
  • How your pain and suffering has and will affect all aspects of your life.
  • How much income you have lost from being unable to work.
  • How much money you will lose in the future due to your injury.
  • The at-fault party’s degree of negligence, for example, if they were driving while drunk.

Victims are entitled to recover compensation for medical bills and future care, lost income, pain and suffering, and more.​ If an accident is caused by a person who demonstrated extreme recklessness, punitive damages may be available.

Get the Help You Need After a Serious Car Accident

local car accident attorneys

The Houston car accident attorneys at Ramsey Law Group have a deep understanding of Texas’s unique laws on fault and can help you obtain fair compensation. Call (888) 335-7477 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.