Serving Justice

Texas Birth Injury Lawyer

The birth of a child should be one of the most joyous times of life for a family. However, if the baby or mother is injured before, during, or right after labor, a happy time can quickly turn tragic. Improper care for the family can cause lasting injuries and in some awful cases, death to the mother or baby. If it can be proven the injury was caused by a medical professional failing to properly care for the family during birth, a birth injury lawsuit may be used to hold the responsible party or parties accountable. Ramsey Law Group has extensive experience evaluating birth injuries and determining the best legal course of action for the family. We have considerately helped many clients achieve successful outcomes during the most tragic times in their lives.

Common Causes of Birth Injuries

Some common causes of birth injuries we see include failure to properly monitor the child during birth, handle the child after birth, deliver the child on time, order a C-section, use forceps or a vacuum extractor improperly, or provide the wrong kind or dose of medication during childbirth. Unfortunately, doctors and nurses failure to do any of these items can cause lifelong injuries for the child or mother.

Some of the serious consequences that can result from a mistake during birth include brain injury, Cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, broken bones, facial paralysis, and shoulder dystocia, among others. If the staff is negligent, it can lead to serious problems, both short-term and long-term, for the baby or mother. When birth injuries do occur, it is important to bring a case if warranted, as a successful case for the patient can help make sure the hospital and staff take steps to correct the error and reduce the risk to future patients.